Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sad news from Canada

Today Leanne emailed to say that Susannah's Mum, Pauline, who we met in Victoria in October, had passed away early this morning. It is hard to believe that Pauline became so unwell, so quickly, when only a couple of months ago we had enjoyed a wonderful thanksgiving dinner with Pauline and the rest of the Street family, and she seemed just fine.

It  was such a fun evening, with members of the Street, Scherp and Pryce families all enjoying a great Thanksgiving meal, some wine and lots of good humour together.  I am so pleased that we had the opportunity to meet Pauline and hear a little about her early years growing up in New Zealand.

Here are some pics from the Thanksgiving evening in Victoria.

Susannah and Pauline
The Street family

Pauline, it was a real pleasure to have met you. Rest in peace.

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