Sunday, October 17, 2010

The beautiful big city in 'Beautiful BC'

Vancouver is a very beautiful city with tall buildings, condominiums (condos) and lots of green spaces, nice gardens and parks. 

We went into the city with Leanne on our first full day in Vancouver as she had a photography shoot to do. We were still feeling jet lagged, so got a little lost. We managed to find our way to Robson Street, and down towards Canada Place and the Convention Centre, but we didn't really work out what was where exactly...well, at least I didn't!

Hamish probably did, but he has the advantage of having a better sense of direction than I do... and this is, after all, his third visit to beautiful BC!

The next day we walked around the seawall to Granville Island. This was really great and I loved looking at all the outdoor art, sculptures and views that we saw along the seawall.

Today was one of the few days during our three weeks in Vancouver that we needed to wear our raincoats...but on this day I wished that we hadn't bought the same style of coat. Matching raincoats...hmmm?! We looked a bit like a pair of walking advertisements for couples Kathmandu clothing. Not a good look!!

At Granville Island we checked out the fantastic Public Market, watched the buskers, did some people watching, had a bite to eat for lunch, bought some brocollini for dinner...and I wished I had room in my suitcase (and spare $CAD) to buy lots of nice pottery stuff.  

We went to the Granville Island Brewing place, where Hamish began his 'when in Rome' almost daily sample of local brews, only we were in Canada, not Italy. It didn't seem to matter to Hamish, who enjoyed his three sample tastings of the Granville Island beer.

After the liquid refreshments, we walked around to the next bay to buy some halibut for dinner at the fishing village. Alas, the fisherman was still out fishing. Oh no! We had promised Susannah that we would bring her home some halibut to cook for dinner, so I decided to run back to the Granville Island Public Market to buy some fish. Then I ran back to meet Hamish at the fishing place...phew... a lot of exercise done today.  

And then we walked up and over the Burrard bridge, with the emphasis on the 'rrard', which was a very impressive structure, and had lots of great photo opportunities.

Little did I know that today's walk would be the start of many many more days of walking, walking, walking and very tired legs and feet.

These feet were made for walking...
An unexpected bonus of this trip is that we will be getting fitter before the New Zealand summer has even started!!

We met Leanne and Susannah at the Aquatic Centre below the Burrard bridge where they had been swimming lengths for a ride home, and then another lovely meal cooked by Susannah - fresh halibut, which was delicious. A very nice end to day three in Vancouver.

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