Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Meet the Pryce cousins

Hamish has a strong family connection to Canada. His dad Peter's late older brother Colin moved to Canada from India and the UK many years ago and met and married Margaret. They had four children, so Hamish has four cousins in this part of the world - Conrad in Penticton, BC, Judy in Victoria, BC, Teresa in Vancouver, BC, and Paula in Boston, Massachusetts, US.

Teresa had invited us over for dinner on Saturday night to meet up with her family and Hamish's other cousin Conrad who was visiting Vancouver from Penticton, and his family. We had a wander around the lovely South Granville shops with Teresa before heading to Teresa and Mario's large home in leafy Shaughnessy for dinner.

The shops had lots of Thanksgiving and Halloween themed window displays - we don't celebrate either of these occasions in nearly the same way at home, so I was quite fascinated by all of the elaborate displays.

Teresa and Mario grow many of their own fruit and vegetables, so we had fresh produce for dinner from their garden...and homemade berry ice cream. Yum.

It was a great extended family reunion, particularly for Hamish, who had not seen any of his Canadian cousins or their families since 1997. Everyone had grown up, or looked older etc. Still all young at heart though!

Hamish, Conrad and Jordan
The Pryce cousins and their families

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