Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cycling adventure #1

Leanne was in training for the Victoria half marathon in a few weeks time, so I accompanied her on a 12 km run on Susannah's bike. Being the accident prone person that I am, I had a mishap before I had even got on the bike. I managed to drop the bike while trying to keep up with Leanne running across the 'crosswalk'. Once I'd manage to get myself and the bike up off the ground and out of the way of three lanes of scary looking on coming traffic, we were off to run/ride around the seawall. Sorry Susannah's bike! I hope the bike shop can check you out to make sure you are working okay soon.

The seawall is beautiful. We went as far as Kitsilano Beach, or 'Kits'. There were lots of interesting views, gardens, sculptures and other things to look at, but I managed to stay on the bike and keep up with Leanne for the rest of the run/ride. Cool fun, even in the rain.

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