Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meet Hamish's aunt - Margaret Pryce

Today Leanne and I went and did some errands in her old neighbourhood.  I got to see a couple of places she had lived in Vancouver before the current loft apartment, her old vege store, the fabulous organic store where we found reasonably priced New Zealand racks of lamb, and a few other places around the eastern part of Vancouver. 

I was glad I was not driving on the 'right' side of the road as it was scary enough just being a passenger. This is not a reflection on Leanne's driving, but of all the other cars, bigger cars, 4WDs, mad drivers, buses, cyclists and pedestrians that you have to contend with driving in a big city like Van.

While Leanne and I were driving around, Hamish met up with Teresa and they went to visit Hamish's Aunt Margaret, Teresa's Mum, who is living in a retirement home near Teresa and Mario's house.

Margaret got hit by a car while walking to a yoga class a few years ago, which has had a noticeable impact on her physical health and memory. Hamish and Teresa took Margaret for a stroll to the nearby Van Dusen Botanical Garden. Hamish was very pleased that his aunt Margaret remembered who he was, but said it was very sad to see how much she had aged since being involved in the car accident, and since he last saw her.

Teresa and her Mum
Hamish with his aunt Margaret
Later in the afternoon Hamish and I met up at Granville Island for another quick look around the market and then went and had a beer and a wine and enjoyed the lovely sunshine before catching the bus home.

The public transport system in Vancouver is fantastic. Easy to get around and very efficient. Auckland has a lot to learn!

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