Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden and Park

It was still raining a little after we had finished looking around Gastown, but we decided to walk home rather than take the bus, and go via Chinatown so that we could pop into the the Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden and Park.  We went to the park part, which had free entry (bonus!), and was described in our guide books as "dowdier than its neighbour" (the garden part). I disagree - I thought it was lovely and a very pleasant, serene and beautiful little park to have in the midst of all the high rise Vancouver buildings and busy, noisy Chinatown.

There were mosaics of the Chinese zodiac animals on the ground at the entrance to the park
 Guess which animal sign I am...Sssssss!

Vancouver seems to have an abundance of very large and very noisy crows everywhere, 
but  they are difficult to photograph

Intriguing words on the building across from the Chinese garden and park


  1. How big is a crow? Is it as big as as a seagull or is it as big as a black backed gull?

  2. Hi Emma. A crow is about the same size as a magpie in New Zealand. And they are really really noisy. There were lots of them all over Vancouver. They are also known in Canada as a raven, and are very significant to the native indigenous people of the First Nations, which we learnt a lot about when we visited the Vancouver Museum of Anthropology. It was an extremely interesting museum and one of my Blogs later on will talk about that. Thanks for your comment. :-)
