Saturday, November 27, 2010

A lovely evening in Seattle

After the visit to the Space Needle Nicola took us to a restaurant that overlooked a lovely large bay. I think it was called Shilshole Bay, but I may have that wrong. The restaurant was called Rays and was famous for its seafood. We sat outside, despite the cool temperature, so we could watch the sun set. The waiter kindly bought us some blankets to keep us warm.

Nicola with her clam chowder (and blue blanket)
There was a wedding at the restaurant next door
After dinner Nicola took us to a suburb called Queen Anne Hill, where there was a lookout point at the top of the hill. We braved the cold and went and had a look at the great views of the Seattle city night lights. It was a very posh area and I am sure the locals didn't like all the people driving up and down the hill to look at the lights.
Nicola and I
The Space Needle at night
Hamish and Nicola

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