Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington, US

On the Saturday when we were in Seattle, Nicola had planned to drive Hamish to the Museum of Flight, which was south of downtown Seattle. We went on the I5 again, and Nicola was able to safely navigate us through crazy drivers in huge vehicles, traffic jams and queues, and past the massive Boeing testing airfield to the museum.

Hamish was very excited about being let loose on his own in a flight museum for a few hours. Mr Plane and Train we call him. Not so much of the Automobile (Ref: Steve Martin: Actor).

We arranged for Hamish to text me when he was done, while Nicola and I went back into down town Seattle for a girls catch up, lunch, and some shopping time. I thought Hamish would be at the flight museum for two-three hours max.

Here are some pics from Hamish's visit to the Museum of Flight. He said he took a lunch break between WWI and WWII. As you do.
Fighter planes at the front of the museum - Hawker Harrier on the left
A bomber!
The 'Blackbird' - the fastest plane ever!
The main exhibit hall
A mock version of the Wright brothers plane

A Corsair - the NZ Airforce had these in WWII
A Corsair - side on - Hamish liked its wings
A cool moon buggy
Freaky and frightening!
Each green light represents one aircraft flying over the US
Hamish was able to zoom in on an Air New Zealand aircraft flying into LA
A Concorde
Air Force One - the President's plane - from John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) to Ronald Reagan
President Hamish J Pryce stepped aboard for 10 minutes, to make sure that all was well
Not two, or three, but some five hours later I got a text from Hamish to say he was done and could we go back and pick him up!  No problem, Nicola and I had enjoyed our lunch, we'd had mini facials in the mad Nordstrum department store product demo day and did some price checking in the Macy's sale. All good girly fun. :-)

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