Monday, November 8, 2010

Trying to photograph the boys

After the harbour cruise, we had an hour or so at Leanne's before we needed to be at the Pacific Central Station, to catch our train to Seattle. Leanne and I sat outside for a while and had a cuppa, and I attempted to get some photos of the beautiful boys, White Spot and Rudi. Neither of the cats were very interested in having their photographs taken. They either turned their backs to the camera, or frowned!

White Spot and Leanne 

White Spot on his special pink deck chair

White Spot has had enough of photos!
Rudi enters - not happy to see the camera!

Leanne and I are happy to be photographed. The cats are not!

Enough photographs already! Aren't you meant to be catching a train outta here?!


  1. I was laughing as I posted those pics as it reminded me how funny they both were about the camera.
