Friday, November 26, 2010

Our new BBQ

I am conscious that I have not posted anything on my Blog for nearly two weeks now - work deadlines, catching up from a month away stuff, and home and garden stuff have all got in the way of fun Blog stuff, unfortunately. So instead of another 'diary of our holiday' type post, tonight I thought I'd post some pics of our new barbeque.

Our old BBQ is...goodness knows how old. Hamish bought it well before he met me, so that's at least nine years ago. It wasn't "performing", Hamish said, and I thought it was looking more and more like a rust bucket.

Hamish had a Mitre 10 voucher that Nick had kindly sent him for his birthday in August (thanks Nick!), so Hamish decided he wanted to use the voucher towards a new BBQ - probably swayed by Susannah's wonderful cooking on L and Sz's cool BBQ in Vancouver. 

Goodness me...what a range of BBQs there are now - I mean, really, over $3K for a BBQ?! Needless to say, we went for one at the lower end of the price range! Still very cool though and it has an extra rotisserie gadget.

Here is Hamish with our old trusty (rusty) BBQ.

Out with the old
And here is our shiny new BBQ.

In with the new
Of course I will benefit from this new BBQ as well, as all I will have to do for dinner over summer is make a suitable accompanying salad. Hamish is a very good cook and I am sure will relish trying out new BBQ recipes.

Doesn't Hamish look happy??!!


  1. Nice! What does the rotisserie part look like?

  2. Can vouch for Hamish being a good cook, the rotisserie chicken was delicious.

  3. It is a long rod type thing that you attach to the BBQ. You can sort of see where it goes - in the v cut out part of the hood. You spear it through the chicken and it turns round and round with the hood down to cook the chicken. We tried it out last weekend when Mum etc were here and it was YUM!
