Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On the Amtrak train to Seattle, WA

On Thursday 30 September, in the early evening, we caught the Amtrak train from the Pacific Central Station in Vancouver, to Edmonds, Washington, US.

We didn't get grilled by the US Immigration and Customs officials nearly as much as some of the people who we lined up with to get on the train...especially not as much as the woman I sat on the opposite aisle of did by the US Customs officials, who boarded the train at the US border.  (After which, said woman, wanted to tell me her life story and become my 'new best friend'...she asked if I knew of a 'Professor Smith' in New Zealand?!) After a while I asked Hamish to swap places with me, and he pretty much got the same story.

NBF aside, it was a great way travel to Seattle and we saw some very nice scenery as the sun was setting along the way, including Mt Baker.  We were very pleased to see Nicola at Edmonds Station, after a couple of months of email correspondence while organising to have this long weekend with her in Seattle. Here are some pics from the train trip.

Mt Baker, Washington, US

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